Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Out of the Eight Value of Free Expression, the few that resonated with me the most include: Individual Self-Fulfillment, Promote Tolerance, and Promote Innovation. The reason these three had the most effect on my individualism is where they all share a commonality; they all have more to do with the way we choose to interact amongst society and less to do with how the effect of the function of government has to do with society. 

Individual Self-Fulfillment 

This theory was thought up by C. Edwin Baker who, according to the Free Speech Center, was a well-known law professor specializing in the First Amendment. Baker utilized his First Amendment rights by speaking out against racism. His theory is known as the liberty theory and explores how free speech is protecting personal freedom rather than just being there for debating purposes. 

The theory explores the effect that the first amendment has on the freedom of expression and how it is used in a way to create identity, rather than just a way to speak out against the government. This feels most important to me because I feel I utilize my first amendment right on a day to day basis, but hardly find myself using it in a way to speak about anything happening within the government, or anything speak out against the government. Included in the first amendment is the freedom to and of religion. This one affects me personally as my religious beliefs holds a huge part on my identity, even though I choose to look at it through a way of community rather than through the aspect of god. You wouldn’t consider my religion to be the “default” religion in the U.S., but being able to practice it freely under the first amendment has shaped my identity with little to no connection to the function of the government. 

Promote Tolerance 

The theory of promoting tolerance plays a role in how free speech has lead to a more tolerant society. It speaks on how, as a society, we have grown more tolerant as we’ve been exposed to speech that may be considered hateful or personally offensive. In a society without the exposure to these negative types of speech, there would be no place for building tolerance and these functions of speech would have lasting impacts. 

Due to my personally exposure to a more negative type of speech, I have grown more tolerant and accepting of it. I can hear out different peoples opinions and perspectives and while I don’t always agree, I am able to reflect on and consider someone else’s opinion. It has helped shape me into someone who isn’t “stuck in my own ways” as am able to understand why someone might not see the world the way I do. It just so happens that most of the people I surrounded myself with share a similar view on the world which helps bring peace and unity in my everyday life. Even when difference arise though, I am able to be tolerant of it due to my exposure to it, thanks to the first amendment right. 

Promote Innovation 

The idea behind this theory is that the first amendment has allowed Americans to feel comfortable enough to use their creative abilities to create innovations that I’ve made lasting impacts on society.

In class, we have talked extensively about the TikTok ban. This is been something that is extremely relevant in the media. We talk about how this band might be impeding on our first amendment right. But if we think about it, this app wouldn’t even be a thing without its innovation through creativity. Even through the platform itself, it allows individuals to share their innovations with the world and inspire others, which has been a huge reason there’s been so much controversy behind this ban.


The Supreme Court is often referred to as the highest court in the United States. Personally, I previously did not have much knowledge about the Supreme Court. I was under the impression that the justices were chosen based on a high level of ethics and used those ethics to determine the outcome of cases. While this isn't the whole truth, it still does tie into their actual powers.

As Supreme Court Justices, these men and women hold the power to settle court cases. However, they do not do so based on what they feel is right or wrong. They are there to interpret the U.S. Constitution and decide whether or not a case was unconstitutional. While the Supreme Court only ends up fully settling around a hundred cases per year, the decisions they make have lasting impacts. Lower courts will use the facts from the Supreme Court rulings in their own similar cases and make a decision based on that. This follows an ideal known as setting a precedent.

Watching this video came across as very eye-opening to me, especially when it came down to hearing Supreme Court Justices' firsthand encounters. These seemingly normal men and women hold such an important role in the U.S. Justice System. The Constitution leaves so much room for interpretation, and these Justices are brilliant enough to be able to analyze it from every angle to come to a decision. This immense amount of power is so much pressure, knowing that the verdict they come to in one case will be studied by so many individuals and used to settle so many cases in the future.

 I hold an immense amount of respect for them, knowing that they go into these cases with their own system of beliefs that they have to put aside to come to a fair and impartial decision fully based on the interpretation of the Constitution.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Top 5 News and Information Sources

 1. TikTok 

While TikTok may not be the most reliable place to receive news and information, the platform offers a convenient way to stay up to date in the world's happening. If I were looking for information to use in an academic setting, this is not the platform I would use, however, the platform offers an entertaining way to deliver news as videos are kept short, straight to the point, and easy to understand. Based off of algorithm, the platform will display news stories that have a commonality of my interests, even when I am not actively searching for it. When I stumble across a news story that intrigues me on this platform, I will go into deeper research on another platform. 

 2. Instagram 


Similarly to TikTok, Instagram offers connivence as a source. Instagram also has an algorithm to suggest news stories that pertain to my interests and relevance in my life, while also being able to provide further information through texts. This source specifically appeals to me through captivating visuals to help support texts, but is also not the most reliable of sources. 

 3. 06880

Where Westport meets the world 

The 06880 is a blog created and kept up to date by a local resident in my hometown, Westport CT. The blog offers information about what is happening locally back home. The source provides me with current and relevant information that directly impacts my everyday. This also allows me to stay connected to my home while away at school. Coming from a small town, the events that take place there are not normally significant enough to make any bigger news sources making this platform unique outlet on niche topics that only truly effect those locally to the area.

 4. The New York Times


While I don't typically find myself scrolling through New York Times' articles, when I find myself in a situation where I need relevant and reliable news, this source is my go to. Sometimes I find these traditional news sources difficult to comprehend, but this one offers concise and relevant information on a website that is easy to navigate. 

 5. My Roommates   

This is my favorite source of news. Sometimes personally, especially when I'm too busy to be on social media, I tend to miss out on hearing about some big things happening in the news. My roommates each have their own individual interests and listening to them talk about current events that interests them the most has been a way for me to diversify my knowledge of whats happening in the world. In these conversations, I am able to hear a concise background of what's happening in terms that are easy to understand and then their own personal views and opinions to go along with it. This also starts conversation to hear other viewpoints as well as opens the floor to additional information others have gathered. As my personal relationships are my most valued form of communication, this offers me an exciting and engaging way to take in information.